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Solutions that Save our Customers Money

Bill Audits

Our bill verification professionals typically recover 3% to 5% of our customers’ total telecom expense by identifying and resolving billing errors. These errors include items such as discount percentage mistakes, improper implementation of contract rates, and more. Whatever the type of billing error, we find the problem, file a claim with your provider, manage the claim process, and then inform you when a credit has appeared on your bill.

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Rate Reviews

Our telecom negotiations professionals typically reduce our customers’ ongoing costs by 10% to 20%. Anilix has an extensive rate database. We use this data in negotiating new rate structures with our customers’ existing providers, or when bringing in new providers with more price flexibility. Within 2 to 3 months, our customers begin to see significant savings from these activities.

Service Reviews

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Our provisioning and optimization professionals can reduce our customers’ ongoing costs by 7% to 10%. Anilix identifies items as diverse as cell phones still in use by terminated employees, circuits with more capacity than needed, phone lines to locations that are no longer in use, and much more. Within 2 months, our customers’ telecom costs are reduced.

By combining these three activities, Anilix saves our typical customers as much as 20% to 30% of their annual telecom spend. Best of all, Anilix only receives compensation when our customer receives hard-dollar savings.

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